What's the difference between business success and business tragedy? Often... a Business PLAN
In this 8 part Business Planning MasterClass with Ellen Rohr, she will help you get clear on what you want out of life, and put an action plan together to make. it all happen!
A profitable business of your own is a way to expand peace, prosperity and freedom in your life!
Over the years, I've help thousands of business owner make more money and helped grow two hugely successful franchise businesses - all because I've embraced the concepts of simple, powerful business planning.
A Business Plan is an opportunity for you, your business partner, spouse and team members to get on the same page and move forward TOGETHER.
In this course, I’ll guide you through the business planning process with a simple, specific agenda. All the details are below!
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Here's what you'll learn on this series with Ellen
Let's demystify business plan, roll out the tools, and commit to our vision, intentions and best life. I also share how this class is laid out...and how you can get the most out of our time together. At the end of 8 weeks, you'll have a dynamic business plan, and aligned projects for getting it done.
Note! Invite key team members to the calls and to participate in the exercises. Teamwork makes the Dream work!
BONUS: We'll build on previous classes to flesh out the elements of a simple, powerful business plan!
The essential business planning questions: What do you want...and why? This powerful exercise can be done with all owners and managers to make sure you are in sync and working towards mutual (not identical) goals.
Words matter. Thoughts form things. Your messaging - to customers, vendors, team and family members - can escalate - or decimate! - your plans. Let's explore your Mission, Unique Selling Proposition...and other words that inspire and focus your communications.
Everyone has Goals, but not everyone reaches them. Sometime the Goals themselves can derail your business, and flatten your enthusiasm. Let's refine our Goals using an elegant process for getting clear on what you want to have and by when...without disappointment.
BONUS: We'll explore Atomic Habits by James Clear for an extra boost! Great approach to goals and results.
In previous classes (recorded on the Inner Circle Admin page - I hope you are a member!) we've taken a deep dive into accounting, bookkeeping, financial reporting, budgeting, pricing and financial management. In this class, we'll review the essential numbers - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - and the Financial Quick Check (FQC). This is especially important if you are looking to get a loan, entice investors or sell your company someday!
In this class, I'll reference the Phenomenal Marketing systems that have helped hundreds of companies find and keep customers. You don't have to be a master marketer, you just have to incorporate proven systems that always work (if you work them!) We'll pull the essential pieces into your business plan.
The problem with most business plans is that they never convert to action! We'll update your Phenomenal Projects List and tackle
BONUS: Using the Traction EOS systems? Great...let's leverage them!
Let's finish by refining your work to a single page...making it sooo much more powerful to share with and inspire. Want to grow your business? The simpler you make it the further you can take it. This exercise encourages you to drill down to the few things that will make ALL the difference to your business and your life!
Plus, Get these Phenomenal Bonuses!
Delivered immediately when you enroll in the course
You get unlimited access to the replays throughout the course. It will be available for 8 full weeks so you can pace yourself through the course. Replay the sessions as many times as you'd like!
Get a Free Strategy Session with a Phenomenal Performance Coach! We'll use our 52 point Business Assessment to discuss where you currently are and guide you with steps on how to get where you should be.
Secure Your Access to the MasterClass Now
Let's demystify business plan, roll out the tools, and commit to our vision, intentions and best life.
Financial Expert and President of ZOOM DRAIN
Ellen Rohr nearly sank her husband’s plumbing company. It seemed like lots of money was moving through the company, but at the end of the month there was never any money left. With the help of great mentors, Ellen figured out how to fix and grow successful businesses. She teaches business planning and financial literacy, helping contractors make business simpler and more profitable.
Now, she is an owner and President of ZOOM DRAIN Franchise, LLC. a new franchise concept with 20 locations across the country. Ellen is the author of four un-fussy business books: Where Did the Money Go?, How Much Should I Charge?, The Bare Bones Biz Plan and The Weekend Biz Plan. She also hosts a regular podcast – Behind the Wall – for PHCPPros.com
International Business Coach
Howard Partridge is an international business coach with coaching members in 109 industries in 20 countries. He is a best selling author of eight books, a TEDx Speaker, the exclusive business coach for the Zig Ziglar Corporation, the first Ziglar Legacy Trainer in the world, the first founding member of The John Maxwell Team and a Master DISC Certified Human Behavior Expert.
Howard and his team at Phenomenal Products are honored to support Ellen Rohr. Our role is to manage her back office so phenomenal courses like this can be made available to you... even in her busy life!
NOTICE: Anytime money moves from or to someone, into or out of your company, there are requirements with which you must comply. Be sure to review with your CPA and financial planner how you, as the owner, put money in and take money out. Be sure check with your tax accountant and labor law professional or an attorney to make sure that the way you pay meets all compliance requirements. Salary, hourly pay, bonuses, and benefits all have tax requirements. You are responsible for this! Make sure you are up to speed with all state and federal income, payroll and all other tax laws.
Copyright © Ellen Rohr and Howard Partridge. All Rights Reserved.