Phenomenal Marketing Systems: The 14 Fastest Ways to the CASH in Any Business
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Howard Partridge
Howard Partridge is recognized as an expert on small business marketing by some of the top business experts in the world. Phenomenal Marketing Systems will not only show you the proven marketing systems that have been proven in Howard’s company as well as small business owners around the world that are using his systems, it reveals the 14 fastest ways to bring cash into an existing small business. With this book, you'll get a Full Conference Session where Howard takes you through the 14 Fastest Ways to the Cash so you can implement them in your business right away!
Tom Ziglar
You were Born To Win! Do you sometimes feel less than a winner? Have you gotten off track? Let Zig’s wisdom help you get back on track and back to winning! The Born to Win philosophy is both "profoundly simple” and "simply profound.” The concept that you have to plan to win and prepare to win before you can expect to win is simple, but simple doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy, and when you dig a little deeper, you understand just how profound it really is. YOU really are born to win! Find out how you can prepare yourself for success and change your world. Tom Ziglar and Howard Partridge guide you though a pow
Ellen Rohr
Perhaps you’ve got a great idea for a business or you have a business already, and it’s sucking the life out of you! The Weekend Biz Plan is a mini-book that will guide you through the process of clarifying your vision for your business with an exact agenda…from Friday evening to Sunday evening. AND, I’ve included the forms and templates you’ll need to get the Biz Plan together. A rockin’ Biz Plan means more profits, more cash…more lifestyle! And it’s all FREE.
Michelle Prince