The #1 Reason Small Businesses Don't Grow (or do as well as they could)...

F.T.I. (Failure To Implement)

In business, many times you know what to do and how to do it, you just don’t do it. Working with thousands of business owners, I have found that FTI is the number one reason that small businesses don’t grow or do as well as they could.Small business owners are so overwhelmed, distracted, and just trying to pay the bills that actually implementing anything additional can be daunting. You can have all the phenomenal systems and strategies that can help your business; but if you don’t use them, they obviously won’t do you any good.

My systems and strategies have literally revolutionized small businesses around the world, but it only happened because they overcame FTI.

So, what causes FTI, and how can you overcome it?

The Four Golden Keys to Implementation

Key #1: Inspiration

Have you noticed that the most successful small business owners are excited about the future? Have you noticed they are focused on the possibilities rather than just the problems? They see something others don’t see. They have hope for the future because they know they can grow the business. They know they can improve their lives.

I call that inspiration. Inspiration is different from motivation. Motivation comes from external forces. You’ve got to make payroll, so you’re motivated to close a sale. Or you get to go to Hawaii, so you are motivated to make that happen. Motivation is created by external forces that may be positive or negative. A reward or a penalty.

But inspiration is something that is kindled on the inside. Inspiration happens when you actually see a compelling vision for the future that creates desire to reach that dream. Your dreams fuel your life. No dream, no fuel. No fuel, the vehicle doesn’t move.

Key #2: Organization

Many years ago, I began a daily habit that serves me well to this day. I started carving out an hour in the mornings to work on my projects—to implement. I call this time my “Daily Time Capsule.” This is a capsule of time that I take every day (except Sunday) to focus on my top projects and take action.

For maximum implementation, you've got to have a personal organizational system and a way to keep your business organized.

Key #3: Training

Zig Ziglar said, “You were born to win, but to be the winner you were born to be, you must plan to win and prepare to win before you can expect to win. But if you plan to win and prepare to win, you can expect to win.” Training is preparing.

Small business owners know the"technical" part of their work, but they aren't skilled in Leadership, Marketing, Sales, Systems and Tracking their numbers.

This is critical! The more you master the business part, the more successful you will be.

If you don't have my Home Study Course yet, that is a phenomenal place to start.

Implement the same systems I used to transform my businesses into predictable, profitable, turnkey operations. It's the same system small business owners around the world are using to revolutionize their businesses with RECORD SALES and PROFITS (while having more time off).

Implement the same systems I used to transform my businesses into predictable, profitable, turnkey operations. It's the same system small business owners around the world are using to revolutionize their businesses with RECORD SALES and PROFITS (while having more time off).

Key #4: Support

Every business owner needs support, encouragement, and accountability.

Support means that you have a group of people around you to help you reach your goals. Every highly successful person has a coach.

I'm so grateful for all the coaches and consultants that have helped me. I believe in coaching, because we can have the best programs and not use them.

Other business owners are helpful, but don’t have the skill to lead us where we need to go. They can share helpful strategies and resources, but they don’t get paid to keep us accountable.

You need a coach. Professional athletes have a coach. In fact, they have more than one. They have coaches for specific areas.

The original definition of a coach came from a carriage that got you from where you are to where you wanted to go. Think of the stage coach of the Old West. Small business owners desperately need coaches in their lives to support them, to encourage them, and to hold them accountable.

I shudder to think where I would be without the support, encouragement, and accountability of my coaches.

If you are ready for support, encouragement and accountability and you want MAXIMUM IMPLEMENTATION, join The Howard Partridge Inner Circle.

home study course

Learn the Same Systems Howard Used to Transform His Business Into a Predictable Profitable, Turnkey Operation!

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"Small business owners travel from around the world to Howard's conferences"

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The Howard Partridge Inner Circle offers the support, encouragement and accountability you need for massive implementation.
"from $225Kto $1.5M" - Eric and Larry, Shamrock Restoration

"from $225Kto $1.5M" - Eric and Larry, Shamrock Restoration