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Session 1: Think and BE Phenomenal

  • Think and BE Phenomenal - Howard Partridge
    Think and BE Phenomenal - Howard Partridge

    In this session, you’ll learn how to change your habits, which will increase your performance as a business owner. Learning what Howard calls The 5 Levels of Being Phenomenal will help you press through the issues and dramatically improve your performance, therefore improving your business.

Session 2: 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

  • The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth - Howard Partridge
    The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth - Howard Partridge

    In this session, you’ll learn how to apply the laws of growth to your own life, so you can become the person you need to be, to lead your business more effectively. In John’s newest training program The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, he says to reach your potential, you must grow. And to grow, you must be highly intentional about it. Learning these laws will help you learn how to grow and develop yourself so you have the best chance of becoming the person you were created to be.

Session 3: Becoming A Person of Influence

  • Becoming a Person of Influence – Howard Partridge
    Becoming a Person of Influence – Howard Partridge

    John Maxwell says that leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less. How do you gain influence in someone else’s life? By adding value to them. When you don’t value people, you de-value them. Zig Ziglar said “you can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what it is they want.”

    Becoming a person of influence – having a positive impact on the lives of others will have a tremendous impact on your business. When you can get others to buy into you and your vision for your business, you can begin to get greater results. All of business is about relationships. If you want to understand how to influence people in a positive way, be sure to attend this session.

Session 4: Building the Best You

  • Building the Best You – Howard Partridge and Tom Ziglar
    Building the Best You – Howard Partridge and Tom Ziglar

    This session will show you how you can take control of your destiny. Your future is not determined by other people or circumstances. In fact, regardless of your circumstances there is one undeniable freedom; the freedom to choose your attitude toward those circumstances. You can take charge of your life by climbing the stairway to success.

Session 5: Howard Partridge Breakout Session

Session 5: Rick Jones Breakout Session

Session 5: Santiago Arango Breakout Session

  • Special Break Out Sessions - Santiago Arango
    Special Break Out Sessions - Santiago Arango

    Professional Cleaners sit in with Inner Circle Coach Santiago Arango. He shares the dynamics that inspire leadership and trust within a company and the difference between someone who is just an “authority” versus a true “leader.”