Special Offer on Howard's #1 Amazon.com Best Seller


The 5 Levels of BEing Phenomenal

Here’s What’s in the Book:

  • The 5 Levels that everyone goes through when trying to reach a goal, change a habit or learn a skill
  • Learn your DISC Profile in 5 Minutes. This will help you understand yourself and those around you better so you can communicate more effectively with them
  • How to Reach Your Biggest Dreams and Goals – I share candidly how I reached some of my most personal goals (and some of the failures I’ve had too)
  • My Personal Organizational System that helps me stay focused, organized and productive and will help you do the same.
  • Your True Spiritual Identity – this chapter is a self-study on what Scripture says about us

Surveys Reveal the #1 Challenge Business Owners and Professionals Have

Phenomenal Products has taken hundreds of surveys from small business owners and professionals at our workshops and conferences and the number one challenge is “goal setting”.

Get the book and the Organizational System Today!

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Think and Be Phenomenal

Think and Be Phenomenally Successful

About The Book

Every human goes through 5 Levels of Thinking (and being) to reach any goal, to learn any new skill, or to change any habit. No goals are met without going through The 5 Levels. No new skill is developed without The 5 Levels and no habit is changed without The 5 Levels.

You will not BEcome the person you were created to be Spiritually, mentally, emotionally or physically without going through the 5 Levels process. You won’t have the relationships you want to have without going through the process. And you won’t have the success and significance you want in life without going through the process. No one does.

The problem is that we aren’t usually aware of the 5 Levels process. Understanding the thinking and being process is the key to changing any area of your life or business.

As Frank Outlaw said:

When you Change your THINKING,
You Change your BELIEFS.

When you Change your beliefs,
You Change your EXPECTATIONS.

When you Change your expectations,
You Change your ATTITUDE.

 When you Change your attitude,
You Change your BEHAVIOR.

 When you Change your behavior,
You Change your PERFORMANCE.

When you Change your performance
You Change your LIFE

About Howard...

Howard Partridge is the president of Phenomenal Products, Inc. which helps small business owners around the world build phenomenal businesses and lives.

Howard grew up on welfare in Mobile, AL. and at age 18 took a Greyhound bus to Houston, TX. When he stepped off that bus, he had only 25 cents to his name.

After starting his first business out of the trunk of his car over 30 years ago, he has become a best selling author, the exclusive small business coach for the Zig Ziglar Corporation, and his conferences have featured the world’s top business authors.