“Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership”
John Maxwell, the world’s #1 leadership expert says “everything rises or falls on leadership”. Can that really be true? If you lead others, you probably realize that it is painfully true.
The word leadership may not even be interesting to you. But I’m willing to bet that what leadership can DO for you is of the utmost interest to you.
How would you rate yourself as a leader?
John Maxwell says “leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less”. How do you gain influence in other’s lives? By adding value to them. Dale Carnegie said “leadership is getting the willing cooperation of others to achieve a goal”. Dwight Eisenhower said “leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want want done because they want to do it”
“Leadership is effectively communicating your Vision"
When you’re effectively communicating, you’re gaining influence and others are following.
Phenomenal Leadership creates a meaningful community where the vision is lived out.
A Phenomenal Leadership System is a group of working parts that duplicates results consistently.