Discover How to STOP Being a Slave to Your Business and Transform It Into a Predictable, Profitable, Turnkey Operation!

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You'll get all 7 chapters of the book...

  1. It's a Phenomenal Life
  2. How to Make Phenomenal Money
  3. Secrets of a Phenomenal Business
  4. Think and Grow Phenomenally Successful
  5. Your Phenomenal Body
  6. Phenomenal Family Relationships
  7. I AM Phenomenal So Are You!

A Special Message from Howard Partridge…

Dear Friend and Fellow Small Business Owner,

Do you remember WHY you went into business for yourself?

Was it to make a lot of money?

Or was it to be your own boss – to chart your own course – to have a little more “free” time?

Yeah right!

You went into business because you had a dream. Instead, you got a 24-hr-7-day-a-week


 The brutal reality of most small business owner’s lives is you feel like a slave to the business, the business consumes your mind 24/7, there’s no real freedom, you feel like you have a J-O-B rather than a business and your day is consumed putting out “brush fires”

I know how you feel. I started my first business out of the trunk of my car over 29 years ago. After 13 long years I began feeling like a slave to my business. I worked 27/7 and when I traveled, much of the “vacation” was spent on the cell phone talking to customers and employees back home.

Can you relate to that?

Then in 1997, I learned 2 secrets that changed my life forever.

The first secret is that you must have systems in your business if you want it to be “phenomenally” successful.

After learning that secret, I transformed that business into a multimillion dollar, turnkey business. Today I have 40 employees that run my companies for me so I can do what I love to do, which is helping small business owners build phenomenal businesses.

About 17 years ago, I began sharing my systems with other business owners. Small business owners around the world are having record sales and profits right now using my systems. They are getting their businesses organized, making more money and having more free time.

I am blessed to be the exclusive small business coach for the Zig Ziglar Corporation, to be the first founding member of The John Maxwell Coaching Team, and to work with the world’s top business trainers. Just click “About Howard” to find out more about me, but be sure to get my audio book and the free CD, so we can help YOU take YOUR business to the next level.

The next steps after that are to get my Home Study Course, come to a live event and join coaching.

I look forward to helping you reach your goals and dreams.


howard signature

Howard Partridge
