“I’ve been in the cleaning business since 1995. Like a lot of folks, we started cleaning apartments. Yuck. Filthy carpet, on call 7 days a week 24 hours a day. 60 – 90 days to get paid, etc. etc. For the last 7 years I’ve been building my residential clients based on relationships not transactions. This is my first Round Table/Inner Circle Meeting and all I can say is – Phenomenal! Howard and his team and his speakers are dedicated to getting their message across with a sense of humor and a good-natured delivery. My favorite part of the meeting was:

  • Going to the actual shop, meeting the staff, seeing how a profitable, ethical company actually works.
  • The speakers – Ellen Rohr on business planning/cash flow. Chuck Coonradt on the Game of Work. Both these folks really get it, and help me get it! Thanks!
  • Worship/Prayer Night. I had to pinch myself. Here I am at a Holiday Inn Conference Room singing praise to my Savior Jesus! *This is the single most important difference that sets Howard apart from any other mentor or coach. Thanks and God Bless you and yours!